2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Hi There! It's Been a Long Time—How Are You?

So it's been about six months since I've posted anything here. Mostly that is a result of me getting busy (with grad school and work) and not being able to review everything I see. So, in an effort to make it up to you, I wanted to list the films I saw in 2012, after I stopped blogging, and what my rating (out of four stars) they got.

So here goes:

64 Headhunter 3.5
65 Bourne Legacy 3
66 Alps  4
67 The Dark Knight Rises 1.5
68 The Queen of Versailles 2
69 Planet of Snail 3.5
70 Marina Abromovic: The Artist is Present 3
71 Ruby Sparks 2
72 Searching for Sugar Man 2
73 Almayer's Folly 4
74 Red Hook Summer 1
75 Meet the Fokkens 2.5
76 Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry 3
73 Almayer's Folly 4
77 Cosmopolis 4
78 Compliance 3
79 Lawless 2.5
80 Keep the Lights On   3.5
81 Side by Side 3
82 The Master 3
83 For Ellen 1
84 United in Anger: ACT UP 1.5
85 How to Survive a Plague 3.5
86 End of Watch 1.5
87 Looper 3
88 Argo 3
89 Holy Motors 4
90 Wuthering Heights 4
91 Flight 1
92 Cloud Atlas 2
93 Seven Psychopaths 3
94 Loneliest Planet 4
95 Anna Karenina 2.5
96 In Another Country   3.5
97 The Sessions 1.5
98 A Late Quartet    3
99 Skyfall 2.5
100 Silver Linings Playbook 2
101 Lincoln 2.5
102 The Life of Pi 2
103 The Law in These Parts 4
104 Rust and Bone   4
105 Hitchcock 2
106 This Must be the Place 2.5
107 Amour 3
108 Middle of Nowhere   1.5
109 In Our Nature   2.5
110 The Central Park Five 2
111 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (HFR 3D) 1
112 Not Fade Away 0.5
113 On the Road 1.5
114 Barbara 2.5
115 Zero Dark Thirty 2.5
116 This is 40  2
117 Django Unchained 4
118 Tabu 3
119 Les Miserables   0
120 West of Memphis 2.5
121 Detropia 2.5
122 Promised Land 2.5
123 Chasing Ice 3
124 Brookyln Castle 4
125 The Kid with a Bike 4

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